
Russia’s S-500 Prometheus successfully strikes fast-moving ballistic target (Video)

Russia’s S-500 next-generation missile system has struck a fast-moving ballistic target in a training exercise at the Kapustin Yar range.

Photo: South Front

The first S-500 system will be procured to the Moscow Region’s air and missile defense unit after a full cycle of tests is completed, the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters.


“The S-500 cutting-edge missile system has carried out a test combat shooting at the Kapustin Yar training ground to strike a fast-moving ballistic target. According to data recorders, the target was engaged,” the ministry said.

The ministry underlined, “the combat shooting conducted as part of the test trials confirmed the missile system’s tactical and technical performance characteristics and high reliability of Russia’s air defense military hardware.”

“We plan that the first S-500 system will be procured to the Moscow Region’s air and missile defense unit after a full cycle of tests is completed,” the ministry added.

It also underlined that the S-500 missile system has no analogues in the world and can intercept the whole range of current and future means of air and space attack of a potential enemy at all altitudes and speeds.

S-500 will replace the S-400 systems. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said earlier that procurement of S-500s to the Russian army would begin in 2020, while specialists have been working on the system since 2017.

The S-500 Prometheus is a versatile long-range and high-altitude intercept complex capable of intercepting ballistic, cruise missiles and aerodynamic targets. The radius of destruction of the S-500 is about 600 km. The commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces, Colonel-General Sergei Surovikin stated that the newest air defense complex is capable of destroying objects (including hypersonic missiles) in space.

“The characteristics laid down in the S-500 air defense system make it possible to destroy <…> hypersonic weapons of all modifications, including in near space,” Surovikin said.

The commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces noted that the main task of the new air defense system is the destruction of medium-range ballistic missiles and warheads of intercontinental ballistic missiles. However, if necessary, the S-500 can destroy hypersonic aircraft, airplanes, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-orbit satellites and space weapons.

In April, the Almaz-Antey concern announced that it was completing work on the S-500 air defense system. In June, President Vladimir Putin announced the imminent deployment of the S-500 anti-aircraft systems on alert.

“Other unique weapons systems are on the way, among them the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, the Zircon shipborne hypersonic missile, the S-500 Prometheus anti-aircraft systems and other complexes,” he said.


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