
Algerian Army reveals Russian ballistic missile for first time (VIDEO)

A video clip from the Algerian Ministry of Defense showed the capabilities of the Algerian Armed Forces, including their powerful missile arsenal, which includes Iskander ballistic missiles.  the appearance of the Iskander ballistic missile for the first time in Algeria.

Foto: Youtube

In the video, the Algerian Armed Forces showcase their Russian-made Iskander missiles for the first time.

This was first reported by the Algerian Al-Nahar newspaper, noting that the missile appeared for the first time during the second minute of the Defense Ministry’s report titled “Only the Land of Algeria.”

They continued, “During the video, the Iskander ballistic missile, which is from the Russian military industry, appeared for the first time,” noting that the maximum range of the Iskander ballistic missile is 280 km.

The newspaper pointed out that “these missiles aim to destroy the enemy’s air and missile defense systems, as well as military equipment within the range of the missiles.”

The report, published by the Algerian Ministry of National Defense, says that “Algeria’s national borders are a red line and that the sovereignty of Algeria is a sacred principle.”

They said, “Our People’s National Army, the scion of the mujahideen in every inch of this precious land, will defend it and its people, protecting its borders.”

The Algerian defense report affirmed that “the army is ready to strike and defeat every greedy person, and every aggressor,” adding: “Our defenses are a rock of stone. All ambitions are broken. Our national security is not limited to our geographical borders, but rather is linked to our security borders that take into account dealing with various threats.”

Source: almasdarnews.com

Бонус видео

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