
Turkey’s turn to test its luck in the ‘graveyard of empires’

After the Soviet Union’s failure in the not-so-distant past, and the United States’ failure right now, it is Turkey’s turn to attempt and ‘save’ Afghanistan.

Photo: South Front

The U.S. and Turkey have agreed to a plan for the Turks to continue providing security at the airport in Kabul, U.S. officials said.

Jake Sullivan, President Biden’s national security adviser, told reporters Thursday that both sides had made a “clear commitment” on the security of Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul.

“We are feeling good about where we are in terms of the planning with the Turks on this issue,” Sullivan said.

“President Erdogan indicated he would need, as you said, certain forms of support to do that, and President Biden committed that support would be forthcoming,” Sullivan said on a conference call.

“President Erdogan expressed satisfaction with that, and the two of them tasked their teams just to work out the final details, but the clear commitment from the leaders was established that Turkey would play a lead role in securing Hamid Karzai International Airport, and we are now working through how to execute just that,” added Sullivan.

Turkey, whose forces in Afghanistan have always been of noncombatant troops, is reported to have offered to guard Hamid Karzai International Airport as questions remain on how security will be assured along major transport routes and at the airport, which is the main gateway to the capital Kabul.

Asked about contingency planning, Sullivan said the US is also mulling the possibility of using security contractors with “extensive experience” in Afghanistan at the airport, but maintained Washington is “feeling good about where we are in terms of the planning with the Turks.”

“But of course we are obviously also conducting contingency planning in the event that either Turkey can’t proceed, although we have every expectation they will, or can only proceed in a more limited fashion,” he said.

The Taliban have had major success in the weeks since the US withdrawal began. In approximately 6 weeks, the group has captured at least 30 districts, most of them in central regions.

Taliban, and other militants, have also conducted small-scale attacks in urban centers, including the capital city, Kabul. Casualties have occurred among security forces, government employees, civilians, and militants. Officials blame the Taliban for most of the attacks, as well as increased criminal activity and roadblocks. The security situation is certain to remain volatile in the coming weeks.

There is ample evidence of Taliban success on Twitter with various footage.

It is a mystery why Turkey plans to attempt another adventure, especially in Afghanistan. As, if its troops are combat ready, it would mean that they are subject to Taliban attacks, which received in an impetus in recent weeks.

Turkey doesn’t have the resources that the US had, but is still hopeful that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ambition. A success would be a big boon to his new-Ottoman plans, but a success in Afghanistan is quite unlikely.

The ‘graveyard of empires’ is still up-and-running and Ankara could be next on the chopping block.

It is attempting to get on the US favor, after various setbacks, mostly due to the S-400 missile defense system from Russia, but sacrificing immeasurable funds and likely soldier lives in Afghanistan is a questionable course of action.


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