
3rd Explosion in 2 Days Damages Polish Store near Amsterdam

An explosion hit a Polish supermarket in the Beverhof shopping center in Beverwijk early Wednesday morning, making it the third blast to strike a Polish store in two days, in the Netherlands.


Police said the explosion happened at a store in the town of Beverwijk, 30 kilometers (18 miles) northwest of Amsterdam. Nobody was injured, but the store was badly damaged in the explosion at 5:15 a.m. (0415 GMT), ABC reported.

Dutch media reported that the owner of the store also owns another Polish supermarket in Aalsmeer that was gutted by an explosion and fire early Tuesday. The same night, another explosion hit a Polish supermarket in the southern town of Heeswijk-Dinther.

Police are investigating the blasts and have not revealed a possible motive.

All three stores were called Biedronka, but are not part of a large network of budget stores of the same name in Poland.

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